in quote blocks are the actual messages from Cameron

“What if you have a brach option while reading the post. Like you know how you have the send button. Well this can look like an actual branch that you click and it gives the option to make a branch off post of the topic. So like if the sentence was "christopher nolans oppenheimer was a cinematic masterpiece" you could press the branch button and the options would be "christopher nolan" "oppenheimer" "cinema" and make a post branching from that”

would this be like seeing a list of Similar pages below the current Page?

or the page could suggest new pages that haven’t been created yet, Create new page

Perhaps Similar Pages or Suggested Pages could be shown in the Graph view as well

Related concepts:

Going down the rabbit hole

Recommended pages

I was thinking like a create new page based on the thoughts on the page your looking off so you can quickly share your ideas that you got from reading that page

so it’s almost like Reply to page or No comments

Basically like “create new page with a Backlinks to this current one”