we’re trying to bootstrap this without external capital, but if we do take investment funding, we’ll offer investors similar terms. No stocks issuance. We’re not building WeWrite to sell or IPO. We’re building it to be a sustainable money-making business.

we’ll use Pledge share feature to do Revenue Sharing with the team

thus, we’ll be using WeWrite App’s own Payments infrastructure to do payroll

Suggest different donation pool split - perhaps donation pools can be editable like a page, and those edits can be sent to Moderation for approval. That way we can avoid setting up a Competing pledge share which will likely attract fewer donations at the outset. And if the competing one gets more donations, then obviously it’s more popular among donors, so the main one might as well be updated to be more equitable.

in addition to the base RevShare each team member receives, they can also attract more donations by writing more about the work they’ve done - More pages, more fundraisers

this type of compensation philosophy would be even better if we were Open Source… we still need to decide if that’s the route we want to go.

if we do end up taking investment money, perhaps we can offer straight up salaries to core contributors, as well as the revshare. but again, investors will receive revshare agreements and will be required to use the platform for that.