only shows Public pages

doesn’t show Private, Shared, Public nor Shared pages given that anyone watching the stream would basically have their permissions escalated

Streamers will live-stream beef on X (previously Twitter) - Twitter is thus a streamable MMORPG

Streamers will also stream stuff in Discord which is very psychologically active

The Battle of ideas should be waged in a fun way, debates should produce structured written thought, rather than only being televised

good for being in public if you don’t have a privacy screen on, I guess

good if you wanna go thru your Random pages to demo it to someone without exposing your whole ass to them.

we could automatically enable streamer mode if a screen recording device is detected, not sure how Discord does this or what exactly they’re looking for. Perhaps via screen recording permissions on macOS

CleanShot 2024-07-15 at 09.19.20@2x.png

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Theme / mods will make streamer mode more fun, streamers could even gatekeep good mods