WeWrite App aims to incentivize deep calm thoughts which can facilitate higher order thinking and avoids noisy distractions

Less risk of spam

‣ could be super useful in developing this to its fullest

Against “Posts” - a post is an individual disconnected SHOUT upon the Big stage… we need Small stages to calmly explore our ideas with a Group we trust

I take this back actually, it should be more stimulating in a deep meaningful sense of the ability to convey deep ideas is greater, but the enslavement to imagery is reduced significantly. Inline media objects to allow for image-expression, but the fact that they aren’t full-width allows for you to put your images within a string of context.

ironically, Writing should feel like a game so maybe it’ll be more stimulating. oof. Maybe there’s different types of stimulation; constructive (WeWrite) and entertainment and slop (TikTok)