Day One journal is a popular note-taking app. WeWrite App has some similarities but some pretty vast differences.

WeWrite is an interconnected wiki, like Obsidian or MediaWiki or Notion

WeWrite is also a social wiki. You can follow the Activity feed of a Page or a User or a Group.

Speaking of communities, those are collections of users with shared ownership over a collection of pages. Think about how each wiki on Fandom is its own community.

Day One is a private note-taking app. WeWrite also allows Private pages.

💰💰💰 The real kicker with WeWrite is that each of your pages can be donated to on a recurring basis via the Pledge bar which floats atop every page.

Also, you can forward funds to other pages. So if a project you’ve written about starts taking off, you can forward revshare over to some of your contributors. See here: Pledge share

Day One offers lots of text formatting options. WeWrite won’t. This is to put emphasis on the smallest word. You’ll split up long form writings into various pages, More pages, more fundraisers

Also, images won’t take up the full-width. They’ll be embedded and strung into the text like pearls. See here: Inline media objects

Day One has a very cool Map view tho. That’s a similarity.

In summary, WeWrite is a paid social wiki, with journaling functionality. Day One is a personal journal.

Read about the Origins of WeWrite for more context!

they also have a nice landing page