In September of 2020, I co-founded a niche political wiki to challenge Wikipedia. Unfortunately, in October of 2022, I reached an irreconcilable disagreement with my fellow administrators and decided to step down from the project so as to preserve the existence of the project.

I then launched a new wiki to compete with the previous one.

This process was so difficult and annoying that it sparked a desire to create a new wiki app that would allow a Group split  to naturally happen, without all the hassle of setting up an entirely new wiki. A User would just create a new Group with new Pages and carry on!

This new wiki was also difficult to monetize. Thus I came up with the idea of Pledge bar for each page.

As a software designer by profession, I've thought extensively about how MediaWiki software could be improved. So too can improvements be made to the ideas of all of our competitors. Check out

During my time at Whop, I actually worked on a hackathon project called “Wiki” in hopes that something like WeWrite could live inside the Whop ecosystem, given that they could be seen as a new distribution model for software, where the owner (creator) of each community is building out a shared space of various apps. The hackathon project didn’t go anywhere and also I’ve since left the company, so now WeWrite will be a standalone app. This is most certainly for the better.

Even before all this, I was a filmmaker. I was obsessed with Kinetic typography as a concept, but it was too much work in After Effects. this could be achieved with Streamer mode

with Inline media objects you could use this for Travel bloggers which I’ve done in the past when I was a filmmaker, I used Squarespace