Version history will be visualized using a filmstrip interface. Swipe left/right on the filmstrip to quickly scrub thru page versions.

every Page has a history of versions. On load, the current version is shown.

each version has an author, a User and a timestamp.

differences between versions will be show in the Diff view

Interface / interaction

scrubbable like Apple Photos filmstrip, scrubbing quickly should produce a timelapse-esque effect where you can see the page growing and pruning over time

could also show a graph




Metadata could be at the top



this shows how the version history filmstrip could be used for Diff view

CleanShot 2024-05-26 at 11.25.46@2x.png

CleanShot 2024-05-26 at 11.35.04@2x.png

this is how we’ll be like GitHub for thought

swiping to each new node should have Sound effects / haptics